Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Watch and Wait in Advent

One Black Friday I ventured out to find a new watch and immediately located the right one. However, it needed two links removed in order to fit. “Just a minute,” the clerk said as she tinkered with the links. She continued to say that for over an hour. At one point I volunteered to try […]

Advent, Time for Patient Waiting

We’re in Advent, the season of waiting, waiting for God. We Americans don’t like to wait. We are frustrated by red lights, long lines at the checkout counter, and lengthy downloads. But as poet R.J. Thomas observed, “The meaning is in the waiting.” The Israelites waited centuries for salvation from Egypt and centuries for salvation […]

Advent with Mary, Best Disciple

Mary is one of the three persons we focus on during Advent. (The other two are John the Baptist and the prophet Isaiah.) As we wait with Mary during the coming weeks before Christmas, we might ponder how she, the first and best disciple, is a model for us. For example, Mary gives us five […]

Wait! It’s Advent.

Almost three years ago I sent a manuscript to a publisher. As months passed, I often wondered what was happening to the book. Then last week I was e-mailed the final copy before it goes to the printer. The book is outstanding. I e-mailed back that “it was worth the wait.” We’re in Advent, the […]