Books by Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND
(* Out of print, available from Sister Kathleen only.)
A Love Affair with God: Twelve Traits, $12.00
Heart to Heart with Mary: A Yearly Devotional, $14.00
* Praying on Empty: A Guide to Rediscovering Your Prayerful Self, $12.95
I Am Going: Reflections on the Last Words of the Saints, $13.00
Praying with Scripture: The Bible: You’ve Got Mail, $12.00
Prayer-Moments for Every Day of the Year, $9.95
* The Catholic Way to Pray: An Essential Guide for Adults, $9.95
* Introducing Catholic Prayer for RCIA Leaders, $19.95
Voices: God Speaking in Creation: Reflections, $12.00
500 Plus Ways to Teach Prayer: For Students of All Ages, $30.00
Popular Prayers and Devotions, $3.50
A Guide to Quiet Prayer, $3.50
Catholic Faith
The Holy Spirit, Font of Love, Life, and Power, $10.00
The Catholic Companion to Jesus, $15.95
The Catholic Companion to the Psalms, $10.95
The Catholic Companion to Mary, $9.95
The Catholic Companion to the Angels, $9.95
A Confirmed Catholic’s Companion: A Guide to Abundant Living, $9.95
Essential Guide to Catholic Terms, $3.50
Living Faith at Home: Catholic Practices and Prayers, $8.00
Handbook for Catholics, $3.50
Religious Education
A Catechist’s Prayer Companion, $4.00
500 Plus Ways to Teach Prayer: for Students of All Ages, $30.00
Discipline Made Easy, $30.00
The Six Tasks of Catechesis: Key Principles and Practices for Forming Faith, $9.95
Accomplishing the Six Tasks of Catechesis: With Ease, Joy, and Success $10.00
* Leading Young Catholics into Scripture, $16.95
Totally Catholic! A Catechism for Kids and Their Parents and Teachers, $14.95
Enriching Faith: Lessons and Activities on the Bible, $14.95
Enriching Faith: Lessons, Prayers and Activities on Mary, $14.95
* Arts and Crafts from A to Z: Over 150 Ideas for Catechists and Religion Teachers, $24.95
* Teaching Catechists to Pray, $19.95
Prayer First! A New Agenda for Catholic Schools, $14.95
* A Crash Course in Teaching Religion: Practical Strategies, $14.95
The Bible: God’s Love Story, $15.00
A Pictionary of Lent, $15.00
God’s Angels: Our Friends, $15.00
The Rosary: The Gospel on Beads, $15.00
Gospel Theater for the Whole Community, $29.95
(Gospel events, miracles, parables in the form of 5-minute plays)
Jumbo Book of Art Ideas, $20.00
Leading Young People to Mary, $10.00
The Heartbeat of Faith: 59 Poem, Fingerplays, and Prayers, $12.95
A Child’s Book of Psalms, $7.50
A Child’s Bible, $3.50
A Child’s Book of Miracles, $3.50
A Child’s Book of Parables, $3.50
* Time to Say Goodbye: A Grief Workbook for Children, $2.50
Time to Say Goodbye (revision), $3.50
Meet the Kids in the Bible, $4.00
The Catholic Children’s Bible, Hardback $41.95, Softcover $32.95
Prayerbook for First Communion, $.99
Prayerbook for First Reconciliation, $.99
The Gift of the Anointing of the Sick, $4.95
The Gift of Holy Communion for Parents, $5.95
The Gift of Reconciliation for Parents, $5.95
The Gift of Confirmation for Parents, $5.95
The Gift of Confirmation for Sponsors, $5.95
Book of Ruth: A Tale of Great Loves, $15.00
The Walking Love of God: St. Julie Billiart, $20.00
*Saint Julie Billiart: The Smiling Saint, $5.95
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: The Way of Love, $5.95
Saint Teresa of Kolkata: Missionary of Charity, $7.95
Saints and Feast Days: A Resource and Activity Book, $24.95
Bible People for Young People, New Testament $15.00
Bible People for Young People, Old Testamant $15.00
Weekday Liturgies for Children, (for Catholic schools) $39.00
Why Is Jesus in the Microwave? Funny Stories from Catholic Classrooms, $14.95
The Fisherman’s Wife: The Gospel According to St. Peter’s Spouse, $20.00
(A novel: Peter’s wife and her account of Jesus who lived in her house)
Me? Speak in Public? Speaking as Ministry, $5.00
Conquering Spelling Demons: Tips and Tricks, $7.00