This is not the blog post I intended to write. But then a friend emailed me this incredible video, which I had to see twice. Morning prayer included the Canticle from Daniel 3:57-88, which calls on all creatures to “bless the Lord.” One line is “You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord.”
Simply by being and doing what they do, every created thing or creature stands as a tribute to its infinitely ingenious and almighty Maker. I invite you to view this video. It is quite long (4:47), but well worth your time. You might watch it first without the captions and then with the captions. I promise that you will stand in awe at the creatures who dwell in the depths of the ocean. They are exquisite, frightening, and bizarre. Then you too will “bless the Lord!”
We marvel at the creatures who share our earth home, mindful that they too are a new creation redeemed by the risen Christ.
• What animal on land, sea or sky do you find most fascinating? Why?