A Smile Can Change Your Day
Smiling benefits people who witness it and the one who does it. It

A Pine Tree Forest, a Holy Place
A pine tree forest on our Chardon, Ohio, property is a holy place.

St. Julie Billiart, Spiritual Mother, Model for All
St. Julie Billiart urged her Sisters to always look to God like the

About Sister Kathleen Glavich, SND
Jesus depends on us to spread the Good News of God’s love, offering the world hope and joy. Mary Kathleen, a Sister of Notre Dame from Chardon, Ohio, responds through writing, speaking, giving retreats, and teaching. Her motto, adopted from Eddie Doherty’s gravesite, is “All my words for the Word.”
Words That Wound
I think most people right now are fed up with the negative political
Pennies from Heaven?
Recently the “Dear Abby” column included a letter from a woman who spoke
Surprise: New Life
Last week the lawn where I live was brown with bald patches. When
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Sister Kathleen has more than ninety books published and has worked on six textbook series. Several of her books have garnered awards from the Catholic Press Association and Multimedia International. You can buy from Amazon, but purchasing books directly from her earns more for her community.