Devotions of the Saints
Special devotions are important. In the process of writing my next book, I came across this quotation from Saint Peter Julian Eymard, “Try to have a favorite topic of prayer, such as a devotion to the passion of Jesus, the Blessed Sacrament, awareness of the divine presence.”
Saint Peter Julian Eymard himself was devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, as shown by his founding the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament for men and the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament for women. Many other Saints are known for favorite devotions. Some might be familiar; others, new to you:
• Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque loved the Sacred Heart of Jesus and promoted devotion to it as Jesus directed her in visions. Thanks to her, we have the practice of receiving Communion on the First Fridays of the months. She also promoted having the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
• Saint Alphonsus Liguori was devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He exhorted others to pray to her, prayed the Rosary every day, and wrote the classic book The Glories of Mary.
• Saint Paul of the Cross was devoted to Christ’s Passion and founded the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ.

• Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows had deep devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary and meditated on it every day.
• Saint Faustina Kowalska had a special devotion to the Child Jesus.
• Saint Bernardine of Siena spread devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. He introduced the monogram IHS, from the Greek word for Jesus, and composed the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.
• Saint Catherine of Siena’s central devotion was the most precious blood of Jesus. In fact, her dying words were “the Blood, the Blood.”
• Saint Thérèse of Lisieux favored the Holy Face. Her full religious name was Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Interestingly, as a child St. Julie Billiart and her sister went to Laon seeking a cure for their poor eyesight through the miraculous image of the Holy Face there. Both girls were healed.

• Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity naturally was devoted to the Trinity. She wrote a beautiful prayer to the Three Persons.
• Saint John Massias is known as “Helper of the Poor Souls” because of his constant prayers for them. Every night he prayed three rosaries for them on his knees.
• Blessed Elena Guerra is close to being proclaimed a saint is known as “an apostle of the Holy Spirit. She prompted Pope Leo to urge Catholics to pray to the Holy Spirit, which he did, including in an encyclical, Divinum Illud Munus.
Devotion to Saints
(Clicking on the blue heading above will take you to an earlier post about patron saints.)
You might have a devotion to a particular saint like your baptismal patron saint, the one your church is named for, or one that corresponds to your special interest—like St. Francis of Assisi if you are concerned about the environment.
Saint André Bessette had a passionate, lifelong devotion to Saint Joseph. He kept a small statue of him on his windowsill. As a brother in the Congregation of the Holy Cross, he managed to raise enough money to build a chapel in honor of St. Joseph, but he dreamed of a basilica, which became a reality, St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal. Brother was known for miraculous healings. (The brother-in-law of one of our Sisters was named for him after the man’s mother was cured.) When people attributed a cure to Brother André, he always said, “I do not cure.”

I have special devotion to two women saints: Saint Catherine of Siena, who is my patron saint, and Saint Julie Billiart, who founded the original Sisters of Notre Dame.

In my home this picture of St. Catherine is on the wall.
A few years ago I wrote a novel about our Mother Julie, which was translated into Portuguese and distributed by our Sisters in Brazil to celebrate their anniversary.
One of our Sisters was enamored with Saint Pio of Pietrocino (Padre Pio). She must be happy he was declared a Saint. Our Sister Cupertino was a great fan of St. Joseph Cupertino. Every year on his feastday she would put together a display about him.
Your Devotion?
If you don’t have a focus enriching your spiritual life, why not adopt one? You might find prayers related to your special devotion or compose one, display pictures of your devotion in your home, or visit churches named for it.
• What special devotion do you have…or would like to foster?
• Who do you know that has a special devotion?
3 Responses
I spent the first eight years of elementary school attending the Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Austintown Ohio. As a result, I have always felt a special kinship with Mary. I have carried a rosary for years and pray it every night when I go to bed. I often fall asleep before finishing it. When I was a young boy, my mom taught me that was okay as she said the angels would finish it for me. She also said it was a good way to end a day and prepare for another.
I really liked the comment about the rosary being finished by the angels. Sometimes I don’t finish it, as I say it when going to bed.
My devotion is to the Blessed Mother. My confirmation name is Marie. My Mother did not give me a middle name, so the nuns in The Catholic School I went to said that I could use my confirmation name as a middle name. Linda Marie Licata.