Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Wisdom from the Saints, Our Friends in a High Place

In honor of the Feast of All Saints (the day after Hallowed Eve), I’m offering eighteen of their words of wisdom. The saints are our heroes. They lived life successfully and show us how to do it. One of my favorite lines comes from St. Turibius, archbishop of Lima, Peru: “Christ called himself the truth […]

Proverbs, Adages, and Pithy Sayings

We enjoy proverbs and sayings. Witty ones bring a smile to our face. We post them on Facebook and buy t-shirts and mugs that display them. They capture the wisdom of the people. We admire Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac, the source of adages such as “birds of a feather flock together,” “a stitch in […]