Waiting for God in Advent: How to Do It
It seems like we blinked and already we’re in Advent, the season of waiting, waiting for God. We don’t like to wait. Red lights, long lines at the checkout counter, and lengthy downloads are frustrating. The Israelites waited centuries for salvation from Egypt. They waited centuries for salvation by the Messiah. Now we await the […]
The Importance of Stars
Did you know that Star Street, emblazoned with stars, leads into Bethlehem? It symbolizes the star that led the Magi to the Infant Jesus. Mary, nine-months pregnant, and her husband, Joseph, may have come down this street as they entered the town for the census. Presumably the Magi also followed this route. Sadly, the usual […]
Christmas Cards: A Ministry
On November 27 my first Christmas card arrived. Time to unearth my Christmas card paraphernalia. Now the cards, stickers, and address labels are strewn across my dining room table. Before tackling the job of preparing my cards, I reread the cards that people sent me last Christmas. I save this lovely collection for a year […]
Christ “Advents”(Comes)in People
I came across this suggestion in a devotional book: “For the next thirty days, treat everyone you encounter as the most important person in the world.” That is how Jesus treated people. Seeing everyone as a VIP can be quite a challenge. It ties in with our Advent season in which we focus on the […]
Ideas for Observing Advent
We are in the first week of Advent. Already! The word advent means “coming,” and during Advent we reflect on and prepare for the three comings of Christ: in history in Bethlehem, in mystery every day in the Eucharist and in others, and in majesty at the end of time. While engaged in the flurry […]
Advent Overshadowing of the Holy Spirit
The three so-called Advent figures are the Blessed Virgin Mary (of course), John the Baptist (the Lord’s precursor), and the prophet Isaiah (who spoke of the Messiah and God’s kingdom). To my thinking, the predominant Person was omitted from this line up, namely, the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Father sent the Son to save humankind, […]
Adventing in Advent
It’s the night before a new post goes up, and I just discovered that I forgot to set this one for last week at the top of the list. So for the sake of those who didn’t see it, here it is again this week! As a teacher, I presented Advent as the season to […]
Thoughts on Advent
Father Tom Weber gave this homily during Advent one year. I like the twist at the end. A couple of months ago, I went over to the Department of Motor Vehicles bureau in Mayfield Heights. I took a seat along the wall and after a while, a clerk asked me, “What are you waiting for?” […]
Our Extravagant God: Rejoice!
During this third week of Advent dedicated to rejoicing, I invite you to ponder the incredible extravagance of our great God. First of all is the fact that God chose to enter our world as a baby. He could have appeared as an emperor or at least a full-grown rabbi, but, no, God does the […]
Fear Not!
Fr. Cedric Pisegna, a Passionist priest, posted the following prayer on Facebook recently. In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season and perhaps as you live through the illness or death of loved ones, you might find the words helpful. “Dear Lord, sometimes I feel like I am imprisoned by my fears. I fear […]