Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

St. Dominic Gives New Prayer Ideas

St. Dominic de Guzman, who lived in Spain from about 1170 to 1221, was a great preacher and can still teach valuable lessons to us moderns. He was a man devoted to prayer who would contemplate and fall into ecstasy. Someone compiled his prayer methods into a booklet. They have become known as the Nine […]

Quiet Prayer: Enjoying God’s Presence

God speaks to us through various things. Lately I’ve heard his voice recommending a new way of praying in material I have read. In particular, the book Pray to Your Father in Secret by Jean Lafrance has prompted me to change my style of praying during my morning meditation. For years I spent this time […]

Creation, a Springboard to God

I just finished writing an endorsement for a book that is built on the premise that there is divine presence in all of creation. This concept is scripture based, for we read in Jeremiah 23:24, “Do I not fill heaven and earth? says the Lord.” When the Son of God became incarnate, he united himself […]

Centering Prayer for a Centered Lent

As we hear the latest news reports, we might wonder, Where is God in all of this? As we struggle with personal calamities or are heartbroken by hardships our loved ones are facing, we might ask, “Where are you, God?” The answer to these questions is God is omnipresent–living and active everywhere. As Paul said, […]