Happiness Tips for When You’re Blue
On the news this week it was reported that 11% of Americans were on anti-depressants. That’s sad! We were made to be happy, and we wish it for others, saying “Happy Easter, Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas.” Why aren’t so many of us happy? Of course, we can blame the theological reason: original sin that stole […]
Playfulness, Fun, and Holiness Mix
Did you see the photograph of Pope Francis wearing a red clown nose? He was congratulating newlyweds who were involved in clown ministry. Repeatedly this pope has reminded us that religion is a joyful affair. Being silly and playing pranks are signs of a good heart. At a catechist’s conference, a sales rep came to […]
Laughter, Jokes, and Joy
The Easter season, when we celebrate that God has the last laugh on Satan, is the perfect time to reflect on humor. This gift is unique to human beings. I love a good laugh. Yesterday Sister Sharon, who teaches second grade, said that in class she mentioned Pope Benedict XV. Immediately a little boy’s hand […]
A Smile: Sign of the Spirit
An old riddle asks, “What is the longest word in the dictionary”? In case you don’t remember, the answer is smiles because there is a mile between the beginning and end. I’ve been reflecting on how a smile goes a long way in making a difference in others’ lives and in our own. How uplifting […]