A Smile Can Change Your Day

Smiling benefits people who witness it and the one who does it. It promotes health and joy. A true smile reaches the eyes.
An Explosion of Celebrations

Monday, April 8, was a day to remember. It was jam-packed with celebrations. First of all, living in Cleveland, I was treated to the splendor of a solar eclipse. Moon pies and blackout forest cake were served for dessert the night before. People dressed in yellow and black. I played songs like “Moon River” and […]
A Woman Saint for Our Time: Julie Billiart
A question on Facebook today was, “Will you still serve God if Christianity becomes a felony?” That might seem a farfetched question at first. But in view of the chaos in our country recently—vandalized religious statues, attacks on churches; attempts to eliminate God in schools, in the Pledge of Allegiance, and on our coins—the question […]
Saint Julie Billiart: A Woman for Our Time
Although St. Julie Billiart lived from 1751 to 1816, several aspects of her life parallel our current world. My latest book is her biography in the form of a novel: The Walking Love of God: St. Julie Billiart. (It contains colored photos, which makes it more expensive, but I thought it was worth it.) Here […]
The Heart of Jesus, An Immortal Devotion
The heart of Jesus was formed and began beating in the body of a young Jewish girl. It stopped beating about thirty-three years later and was pierced by a soldier’s lance. Ever since, it has been a symbol of the God-Man’s love for the human race, for us. Three recent experiences have renewed my interest […]