Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Key to Peace: Deal with Stress

Loving others as we love ourselves presumes we love ourselves. Coping with stress is self-care, for it promotes health.

Mindful Living for Presence and Purpose

Today I offer a guest blog for the first time: “Mindful Living: Infuse Your Daily Routine with Presence and Purpose.” I’m grateful to its author, Jill Palmer. You might wonder what mindfulness is doing on a Catholic blog. Actually, awareness of the present moment is a fundamental feature of spirituality. It leads to trusting God […]

Mindfulness, Being in the Present Moment

Recently a friend said that mindfulness is helping her through a grieving process. Mindfulness is living fully aware of the present moment: who we are, what are we feeling, and what is happening right now. Rooted in Buddhism, mindfulness is gaining in popularity today. Often we dwell on things of the past. Remembering and cherishing […]

Journeying with Jesus

The first time I was to fly alone to Abu Dhabi to speak at a religious conference, I was rather frightened—petrified would be more accurate. It meant stopping in Chicago to switch to Etihad, the United Arab Emirates airline, flying over the ocean (daunting to a non-swimmer like me), and then counting on someone to […]

Cherishing and Relishing Life

As a significant birthday approaches, I find myself paying more attention to things I can enjoy because I’m alive. The other morning on my way to 6:45 a.m. Mass the sunrise was extraordinarily spectacular: a shining ball of red-orange and wisps of pink-tinged clouds. After Mass a tall dad came into church towing a four-year-old […]