Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Intriguing Facts about the Blessed Virgin Mary

As I worked on my latest book about Mary, my research uncovered some interesting facts. Hope you enjoy reading them: • This is the fact I found most interesting: During the Middle Ages Europe’s crops were plagued by pests. After farmers prayed to Mary, beetles appeared that preserved the crops. These beetles were dubbed ladybugs […]

Hands of Blessed Mother Mary

Last week I wrote about the hands of Jesus. This week I’m giving a talk about his mother, Mary, at a local parish, and this prompted me to write about her hands now. Mary did not have the soft, pampered hands of a queen, but the strong, capable hands of a working woman. As a […]

May and Mary, Our Blessed Mother

A recent post on Facebook read something like this: This month is called May because it may rain, it may snow, it may be 70º, or it may be 20º. No matter what the weather, something that doesn’t change is Mary’s love for us, her God-given children. And the month of May is dedicated to […]

A Clay Pot in God’s Hands

Not so long ago the reflection in my book Heart to Heart with Mary (seen below) prompted me to consider how saints, Mary in particular, let God use them without reservation. The Divine Potter July 20 My child, God sent the prophet Jeremiah to the potter’s house and told him that Israel was like clay […]

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protector of the Unborn

In honor of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I’m reprising a post about her story. This should be of interest to all because under this title, the Blessed Mother is the patroness of the Americas, both North and South. In addition, she is relevant today when abortion is an acceptable practice, for Mary […]

Blessed Virgin Mary, the Color Blue, Tabby Cats, and Tears

The centennial year of Our Lady of Fatima is coming to a close. Therefore, for today’s blog, I offer a few frivolous facts about Mary. For meatier explanations, see my previous blogs about our Blessed Mother or read one of my bestselling books The Catholic Companion to Mary, which has theology as well as “tidbits” […]

Easter Symbols, Old and New

The Easter season is fifty days long, affording us plenty of time to ponder this fantastic mystery of our faith: Jesus made it possible for us to live forever. We celebrate the death/rising phenomenon employing various symbols that point to new, abundant life: eggs, rabbits, lilies, the sun, spring. I’ve thought of a new Easter […]