Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Covid and Creativity

My friend Jodie Bowers, a pastoral minister with whom I worked at St. Dominic Parish in Shaker Heights, has written a reflection that I thought was worth sharing. Here it is: One of the blessings of the pandemic has been the invitation to slow down and live with mindfulness and intention. Breathe deeply and exhale. As our […]

Staying Positive During COVID-19

A Sunday church bulletin offered the following suggestions for staying sane and happy (or at least not depressed) while living through our present ordeal. I thought they were worth sharing with you: Limit your intake. You could watch 24-hour news channels, listen to dire warnings on the radio, or visit countless websites and be bombarded […]

A Journey with Jesus: Emmaus and Pandemics

When I visited the Holy Land, our first stop was “Emmaus,” where we were told no one knows where Emmaus really is. This was confirmed when a friend emailed me that his friend on a pilgrimage had a similar experience. His Franciscan guide asked, “Is there anything else you want to see?” The friend said, […]

To Hoard or to Share

The news is carrying stories and photos of depleted shelves in stores. Facebook users are sharing cartoons of people stocking up on food, sanitizers, and toilet paper. The current pandemic is transforming many people into hoarders. They are trying to be proactive—preparing for the future. As a result, people who really need some of these […]