God’s Forgiveness & Our Mercy

This week on Wednesday evening all churches in the Cleveland Diocese will be open for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Lenten tradition. No matter how sinful, a person can experience the mercy of God. During Holy Week we will ponder the climax of God’s mercy: washing everyone clean by the blood of his Son. Years […]
Year of Mercy, part 4: Jesus Teaches Forgiveness
We have been the recipients of God’s incredible abundant mercy. Now we are to let mercy flow from us onto others. We are to be the face of God’s compassionate love for others: our family members, friends, and colleagues. Jesus taught us this. When he was criticized for eating with tax collectors and sinners, he […]
Reconciliation and Peace
This week the world was focused on Nelson Mandela, the South African hero hailed as a master of reconciliation. He is a Christ figure, someone who is an image of Jesus Christ who is the Greatest Reconciler. During this Advent season we are preparing to celebrate the coming of Jesus in Bethlehem that initiated his […]