Mindful Living for Presence and Purpose

Today I offer a guest blog for the first time: “Mindful Living: Infuse Your Daily Routine with Presence and Purpose.” I’m grateful to its author, Jill Palmer. You might wonder what mindfulness is doing on a Catholic blog. Actually, awareness of the present moment is a fundamental feature of spirituality. It leads to trusting God […]
Praying with the Senses a la St. Ignatius
When I give talks on the Bible or on prayer, I usually encourage people to try praying with all five senses. St. Ignatius recommended this way of bringing the Gospel stories to life and using them as a springboard for prayer. As an example, I unpack the story of the healing of Bartimaeus from Mark […]
Can You Imagine?
As a child, I had a record that played the song, “Mr. I. Magination.” I believe the first line continued, “the man with the magic reputation.” Our imagination truly is magical. We thank God for our gifts of sight, hearing, and—especially after a scrumptious meal—taste, but how many of us thank for the gift of […]
Prayer with Five Senses
The other day as I prayed the Liturgy of the Hours, at the line “God himself will set me free from the hunter’s snare” suddenly I imagined myself in the woods with my foot caught in the sharp jaws of a trap. I felt the pain and the desperation. “Hmm,” I thought. “This is how […]