Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

The Coming of Christ in Mystery

During Advent we celebrate three comings of Christ: in history in Bethlehem, in mystery (the day’s happenings and the Eucharist), and in majesty (the Second Coming. If I’m not mistaken, Christ’s coming in mystery is overshadowed by the other two comings in our Christmas preparations. Ironically, this is the coming that most impacts our lives personally. I was thinking of this because of something I saw through my window during Advent. A car somehow had crashed and was backed into a tree so that it blocked half the street. The driver, a man, was walking around the car. A car going down our street stopped; its driver spoke to the man and drove on. Another car stopped; its driver spoke to the man and drove on. Finally a car passed the accident, pulled into a driveway, and returned. Its driver parked in front of the disabled car, got out and stayed talking with the man who had the accident for about fifteen minutes, until the police, the rescue squad, and a fire engine came. (Sounds like the Good Samaritan parable, doesn’t it?)

The stranger who stayed was a kind of Christ, God-with-us. God comes in the form of other people to touch our lives and remind us that he is there, loving us. Someone’s kind words might sooth our heart. An email offering help might dispel a worry. An unexpected visit might brighten our day. So might a surprise phone call offering congratulations or sympathy. At the end of the day it would be a comforting practice to review encounters like this that blessed our day. Was the store clerk extra friendly? Did someone make us laugh? Did someone do us a favor? Thank God!

On the other hand, we might review the times during the day when we were Christ for other people.

When has Christ come to you in mystery lately?



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