Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

God’s Love Is Forever

As I was decluttering my computer, I came across a list of quotations that I collected as I was writing my book A Love Affair with God: Twelve Traits. You might find that some of these speak to your heart today. Sit with them quietly and be attuned to God’s love enfolding you and flooding your being.

The almighty Creator of the universe chose to create you instead of countless other possibilities. You were deliberately and specifically called into being, not the result of a random lottery.

Chesterton coined the curious phrase ‘the furious love of God,’ attempting to capture in words the strong, relentless love God feels for you. At the same time this divine love is also warm and infinitely tender.

We were created to be involved in the greatest love affair of all: one with God. No one but your Creator will ever be your perfect soulmate.

St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, OCD, pinpointed your primary vocation, calling in life: “Let God love you.”

God loves you just as you are and at times when you consider yourself ugly and unlovable. Even if you spurn God’s love, he will never let you go. Sins and faults do not diminish his love for you. God cannot not love you.

“In him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28). You are totally engulfed by God. This means God is available and there for you 24/7.

“The world is pregnant with God!”  St. Angela of Foligno

 “There is a God-shaped vacuum in every heart that only God can fill.” You are like a beautiful jigsaw puzzle with a piece missing.

“Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

“God is within us:  God is the one who approaches us from the inside out.”  Blessed John of Ruysbroeck

God made the first move and initiated the extraordinary love relationship between him and you. You love God because “God first loved us (1 John 4:19).

God aches for you, his creature to be with him forever. This steadfast Lover does not jilt you.

At this very moment God is well aware of you. If he weren’t you would vanish into oblivion. In fact, you were on God’s mind from all eternity.

God continually orchestrates “lovebursts” for you, surprises that take your breath away and prove that he loves you.

By the way, for my book I came up with twelve characteristics of people who are in love. Then I explain how God shows these traits toward us and how when we love God we exhibit these same traits toward him. It is available on Amazon and from me.

Here is an unusual song in praise of God’s love:

When do you most sense God’s strong, unconditional love for you?

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