Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

When in Need Our Mother Mary Can Help

Today I have a special need that is high on my worry list.  To my surprise, this morning the page in my book Heart to Heart with Mary spoke to me. (Yes, I’m using my own devotional every day! And I don’t even remember writing the reflections.)  In case you are faced with a problem today that is weighing on your heart and perhaps robbing you of sleep, I thought I’d share this page with you this week. Imagine our Blessed Mother looking at you and speaking to you . . .

In Time of Need

May 21

My child, I love you from the bottom of my heart and would do anything to please you and bring you joy. When you are in need of something for yourself or for someone else, you do not have to rely solely on yourself. Request my help. I will be touched by your confidence in me and will take your prayer to my son. Do not be surprised if he answers, “No” or “Wait a little longer.” In his wisdom, Jesus will respond in the way that is best for you and others. Leave the outcome up to him.

If your request is denied, you will not understand and will enter the zone of mystery. Do not let this harden your heart toward God or let it make you doubt his immense love for you. I assure you that in the end all will be well. Come to me and bury your disappointment in my heart. I will ease your pain. I too sometimes failed to understand God’s mysterious ways, but I always knew his goodness was beyond measure. You can trust him with all your being as I did, dear.

™  Do you have a special prayer intention today? Place it in Mary’s hands.

This past week I spoke about Mary at a local parish. It made me review the many times she was in need and dealing with problems:

How to be the Mother of God.

How to face Joseph, her parents and the neighbors after her pregnancy.

How to help her pregnant and elderly relative Elizabeth who lived a far, dangerous journey away.

How to travel to Bethlehem when she was nine months pregnant.

How to cope with living in Egypt.

How to find her twelve-year-old Son when he was lost in Jerusalem.

How to survive when Jesus left home.


Mary understands what it means to struggle with a problem. She is eager to help. There is a reason why she is called Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Untier of Knots (Pope Francis’s favorite title for her).

When has Mary come to your rescue?






One Response

  1. Let’s just say that the Blessed Mother as undoer of knots has helped me several times. I do think she helps to unravel problems. I have grown to rely on her under that title.

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