Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Reactions to Resurrection

DSCN4006NOTE:  Due to a glitch, this was posted early and shortened the time of the previous reflection. I’m keeping it up another week for those who would miss it or the last one. After all, the Easter Season lasts fifty days!

Many people played a part in the Passion story. Some were heroes, some villains, and some merely minor characters. I wonder what went through their minds on learning that Jesus was alive? Maybe it was something along these lines . . .

Pilate:  Why didn’t those soldiers do a better job at killing him? Now he’ll probably overthrow Rome and establish his kingdom. I’ll be the first one he comes after.

Pilate’s Wife:  I knew Pilate should have listened to me.

Mary, the Blessed Mother:  Thank God my Son’s mission is complete and he has triumphed. I’m so proud of him. I’d say yes all over again despite the excruciating pain it entailed for both of us.

Peter:  How can I ever look him in the eye again? He’ll probably have nothing to do with me from now on. Back to fishing.

Judas:  I feel lower than a worm. Where can I hide from him? He would never forgive me.

John:  I’m amazed and thrilled. Will he want me to give his Mother back to him?

Thomas:  That’s impossible. Wishing doesn’t make it so.

James:  I saw him raise others from the dead, but who would think he could raise himself?

Mary Magdalen: I’m so happy that I think my heart is going to burst. I can’t stop crying for joy now.

Nathanael:  I wonder what he will do next— and what’s in store for us?

Barabbas:  Thank my lucky stars the crowd chose him, not me. I could never pull a stunt like that.

Caiphas:  This is no ordinary man. I think I made a terrible mistake.

Roman soldier who thrust the lance:  This is hard to believe. I myself made sure he was dead.

Veronica:  If he’s alive, then what he promised is true. We can live forever too.

Simon of Cyrene:  I saw the shape he was in as he carried the cross. And crucifixion? Who could be alive after that?

Herod:  Guess I’ll never have another peaceful night of sleep.

Me:  How can I ever thank him for what he did so that I could live beyond the grave?








4 Responses

  1. Some of those were very funny. I wonder if Pilate would be more reflective. After all, he had a hunch there was something divine about Jesus.

    Me: I might have the same reaction you gave Mary Magdalene.

  2. How can I comfort his wounded heart as so many today turn away from him or place him in a position of secondary importance? How can I love him as much as he loves me?

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