Last week Amy Cattapan interviewed me about my newest book A Love Affair with God: Twelve Traits. It was the first time I was interviewed live with my face (and my apartment) showing. The interview is now on youtube. A friend who watched it commented that it was “a grand slam.” When I thanked Amy for the free marketing, I mentioned that comment. Then Amy made another video in which she shared that comment and announced that my interview had more views than any other she had done. This I can attribute to the Sisters in my community “tuning in.” (An advantage of being a Sister!)
Below is a link to the 10-minute interview video. In one part there is an echo, but it doesn’t last. In the course of my talk, I explained that one motive for writing the book was to give peace and hope to those who may be suffering or grieving during this pandemic. You might find comfort in watching the video or pass it on to someone else who might.
I hope your New Year is off to a good start. Be well!
• What truths about God give you comfort?
2 Responses
Hi Sister,
I watched your interview, and I thought
you did a great job…. Your book sounds like
“another” good one!!!
Thanks, Sue, for watching that video and for your kudos. I hope that those few minutes on youtube entice people to get a copy of my latest book.