How are you spending your 92 days of summer? On this July day, while sitting on my third-floor balcony under a bright blue sky and puffy clouds, I recalled some of my joys of summers past. Here they are in the form of a litany:
Response: I praise and thank you, God!
For the times I enjoyed . . .
Swinging on a tire my dad hung from a tree
Catching tadpoles in puddles at the side of the road
Picking plump strawberries on a neighboring farmer’s lot
Watching the advance of a summer storm of thunder and lightning

Putting on a play in our backyard with friends
Collecting lightning bugs and keeping them in a mason jar
Splashing through rainwater on the sidewalk
Picking four-leaf clovers
Playing badminton on the street
Dancing to accordion music outside of Family Tavern across the street
Bringing home three new books from the library to report on and merit red dots after my name there
Eating peach slices from toothpicks, a snack Mom prepared when it was hot
Putting on a play with costumes in the backyard
Making a block-long paper chain with my sister and a friend
Skating around the block in second-hand, white, high-top skates
Running through the sprinkler in my swimsuit
Drinking a cold glass of lemonade
Catching candy that clowns threw from a truck to advertise the St. Vitus Church festival
Going on long drives just for fun
Eating fudgesicles my mom made in an ice cube tray
Dancing the polka at my father’s shop picnic at SNPJ farm
Taking our red wagon down Ginny Hill to the cultural gardens for a picnic with my aunt and cousins
Having my picture taken with a pony that came to houses on our street
Playing in our green pool in the backyard
Sleeping on the floor beneath the large fan in the window on hot nights
Being excited because a parish priest was visiting houses and came to ours
Going to Euclid Beach and riding the racing coaster (though Laughing Sal terrorized me)

Eating the vinegary candy kisses in yellow paper, popcorn balls, and cotton candy at Euclid Beach
Swimming in Lake Erie at various beaches and playing in the sand
Playing tennis in the courts by the aquarium near Lake Erie
Hearing the happy music of the ice cream truck
My siblings and I playing volleyball with my father on our property in the country
Going barefoot and feeling the warm sidewalk under my feet
Using the playground equipment at Hodge School, especially the sliding board (if it wasn’t too hot)
Going to bed while it was still light and the neighbor kids were still playing outside
Attempting to do cartwheels on the lawn
Watching fireworks at the ox roast in Rome, Ohio
Making chains out of white clover flowers
Getting a tan, and sometimes a sunburn, from playing in the bright sun
Dear God, you have showered so many gifts on me. My heart fills will love for you as I ponder them.
• Take some time to reminisce about your happy summer experiences. What were a few?
I was going to post the classic song “Summertime” sung by Nat King Cole, but found this one that is more fun: