Women Cherished by Jesus, Prayer, and Scripture
Beginning with his mother, Jesus cherished women and still does.
God and Women
God has a heart for women. Jesus disregarded Jewish laws and customs to minister to them. Risen, he first appeared to women.
Jesus and Women
I’m interrupting my series on mercy by this blog that is relevant in light of current events. God would certainly support women’s rights. According to Genesis, our God, who is neither male nor female, created women in his own image and likeness. Therefore, they are God’s children who share in God’s divinity. Women are men’s […]
Give a Fig and Care
This week I heard two homilies in a row in which a priest mentioned a fig tree. That was the inspiration for this blog. I like Fig Newtons but never ate an “undried” fig until Sister Regina Alfonso brought some home from Tennessee. In Scripture fig trees are a sign of peace and prosperity. Our […]