Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

The Happiest Feast: Easter

Children may assume that Christmas outranks Easter, probably because they receive more gifts on that day. However, on Easter we celebrate the greatest gift of all: immortality and the chance to live in eternal bliss. Jesus’s rising from the dead assures us that someday we will come back to life too. That is why on Easter Sunday churches ring with “Alleluias” (The word means “Praise God”).

The suffering Jesus endured on Holy Thursday and Good Friday is over. He submitted to it in order to conquer sin and death and free us from Satan’s hold. His great love for humanity initiated a new creation! So now we can laugh. Although we go through our own agonies in this world—the divisions in countries and families, job losses, wars, health issues—we know this is not the end. We can hope for a life of peace and love beyond the grave.

Imagine the joy and amazement of those who beheld the risen Jesus after his vicious crucifixion: his mother Mary, the apostles (especially Thomas), Mary Magdalen, and other followers. Because their faith grounded on sight has been passed on to us, we know that someday we too will be face-to-face with this One who loves us to the nth degree. Nothing and no one on earth completely satisfies us. We always desire more. God alone can satisfy the yearning in our hearts. To be with him forever will be an incredible experience—beyond anything we can conceive.

In addition, thanks to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, in the next world we will be reunited with those family members and friends we have grieved for on earth. Now that’s something to look forward to. Not to mention we will be in the company of our Blessed Mother and other Saints we have admired. We will make new friends among the blessed in heaven and meet our Guardian Angel.

Also we will have a beautiful glorified body (something I particularly look forward to). No longer will we need aspirin, shots, surgeries, and diets!

So, no wonder we are surrounded on Easter with signs of new life: prolific bunnies, spring flowers sprung back from the death of winter, the tomb of eggs from which chicks emerge. Let’s celebrate the stupendous, grand news of Easter with song and feasting and multiple Alleluias! The Church gives us 50 liturgical days of Easter season to do so.

Here is a rendition of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” to help you celebrate:

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