Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

SNDs Helping Migrants in Texas

My community opened a House of Hospitality in Texas for volunteers who work with migrants. Two of our Sisters run it and distribute needed items to the migrants at the Catholic Charities La Frontera. Through these SNDs we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, and clothe the naked. (Matthew 25:35) […]

Flowers for Mary, Legends and Gardens

Last week I planted seeds for flowers in pots on my balcony. If they were not too old and if the soil wasn’t too bad, the result should be a beautiful sight for people passing by. Sadly, I have more of a black thumb than a green thumb! In the northern hemisphere, May is the […]

Holy Spirit, Powerful Gift

Do you remember when we called the Third Person of the Trinity the Holy Ghost? Because “ghost” conjures up a spooky Halloween figure, this Person was renamed Holy Spirit. This name is better because it conveys that this Person doesn’t have a material body but is pure spirit. Because we are approaching the feast of […]

The Supreme King vs. King Charles III and Others

Last Saturday King Charles III was crowned in an elaborate ceremony rich in symbolism. He is the monarch of England and, as I understand it, he doesn’t have much real power. The event led me to reflect on Christ, the omnipotent King of the Universe, and make some comparisons. Charles came to his coronation in […]

Precious Planet Earth

In 2015, Pope Francis released his encyclical “Laudato Si’, which encouraged us inhabitants of Earth to take up our responsibility to protect our home: fellow living creatures, water, and air. Today I offer for your reflection only a gorgeous video that powerfully demonstrates how our Earth is worth saving:

Godwinks: God’s Courtesies

Every so often something extraordinary occurs for our good—strange coincidences that can’t be explained. These signs from God are called Godwinks. In some Hallmark movies Godwinks bring a couple together. You have probably experienced some yourself. Maybe you were looking for a piece of information, and a book falls open to the exact page it’s […]

Ways to Learn/Teach about Mary

After months of preparing for my talk at the NCEA convention, it’s all over! I will give it a longer life by sharing part of it with you. May, the month dedicated to Mary, is right around the corner. You may wish to adopt any of the following ideas for yourself, your family, or your […]

The Happiest Feast: Easter

Children may assume that Christmas outranks Easter, probably because they receive more gifts on that day. However, on Easter we celebrate the greatest gift of all: immortality and the chance to live in eternal bliss. Jesus’s rising from the dead assures us that someday we will come back to life too. That is why on […]

Ways to Celebrate Easter

Weeks before Easter, my mother would begin creating Easter eggs. She used melted beeswax in a coffee tin lid to make strokes on the eggs using a straight pin in the end of a wooden matchstick. Then she soaked the eggs overnight in Chick-Chick dye. When she scraped off the wax with a butter knife, […]

Mary at the Annunciation

Monsignor Moriarty, the censor and advisor for our Christ Our Life series, was adamant that we refer to March 25 as the Annunciation of the Lord. We usually associate this solemnity with the Blessed Virgin Mary. But it’s really the celebration of the first moment of the Incarnation, when almighty God initiates the process of […]