Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

Sea of Galilee at Sunrise

Catholic Faith Corner

Living in the Light
of Jesus Christ

US SNDs’ July 4 Anniversary

The first Sisters of Notre Dame landed in New York 150 years ago on July 4. Last week we celebrated in grand style.

Weekend in New Orleans for Talk on Joy

Brother Ronald Travers, S.C., the new vicar for religious in New Orleans, invited me to speak to the religious of the archdiocese on living the joy of consecrated life. It was a wonderful experience, mostly because I stayed with three of our Notre Dame Sisters there. They volunteered to minister in New Orleans after Katrina. […]

Mary, God’s Mother and Mine

It’s May, Mary’s month, and the month we celebrate Mother’s Day. The other day I was thinking about my relationship with our Blessed Mother. She has been woven all through the tapestry of my life. So this week’s blog is rather like a memoir. I remember as a child I drew Mary over and over, […]

A Saint for Our Time: St. Julie Billiart

Many people have never heard of St. Julie Billiart. She happens to be the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame and the spiritual mother of us Coesfeld Notre Dames. I remember in grade school praying for her canonization, which occurred fifty years ago. In honor of that anniversary, we Chardon SNDs had planned a […]

Saint Julie Billiart: A Woman for Our Time

Although St. Julie Billiart lived from 1751 to 1816, several aspects of her life parallel our current world. My latest book is her biography in the form of a novel:  The Walking Love of God: St. Julie Billiart. (It contains colored photos, which makes it more expensive, but I thought it was worth it.) Here […]

The Heart of Jesus, An Immortal Devotion

The heart of Jesus was formed and began beating in the body of a young Jewish girl. It stopped beating about thirty-three years later and was pierced by a soldier’s lance. Ever since, it has been a symbol of the God-Man’s love for the human race, for us. Three recent experiences have renewed my interest […]