Death, Be Not Proud!
As we approach Holy Week, I though it would be good to reprise an earlier post with a few additions . . . My theology class at Cleveland Central Catholic was on the fifth floor of St. Michael School. One topic was death and dying. As one student entered the room, he commented, “Sister, do […]
Easter Eggs, Easter Candle, and Easter Joy
A few weeks before Easter, my mom melted beeswax in a coffee can lid. Then she dipped a straight pin inserted in a wooden matchstick into the wax and quickly made strokes on eggs the way her Polish mother taught her. The eggs sat in coffee cups overnight, soaking in vivid colors of Chick Chick […]
Dying to Rise: Reflections
My weekly post straddles Holy Week and Easter Week, so I pondered whether to focus on the passion and death of Jesus or his resurrection. Then it occurred to me that I should cover both. After all, these paschal mysteries are intimately related. It was only by suffering and dying that Jesus was able to […]
Reactions to Resurrection
NOTE: Due to a glitch, this was posted early and shortened the time of the previous reflection. I’m keeping it up another week for those who would miss it or the last one. After all, the Easter Season lasts fifty days! ***** Many people played a part in the Passion story. Some were heroes, some […]
Death Is Defeated
Self-preservation is the strongest human drive. Next comes the sex drive whose purpose is to continue life on this planet. We long to live on. We freeze dead bodies in hopes that they will live again. We pay for hair dye and face lifts, aiming at eternal youth. Not to worry. We ARE immortal. All […]